After many years on Summit Street, the office has relocated to 887 Park Street.
Mutual Housing Leadership Academy (MHLA) is a ten-week workshop series which includes a team project that meets a community need. The series runs September 6th through November 8th and there will be a graduation dinner held on November 16th.
Join Frog Hollow S.A.F.E. (Safety Alliance For Everyone) Saturday, May 26th for a Clean Up Competition and BBQ! Participants will break up into teams for a friendly competition before reconvening for a BBQ. Get involved in your community! For more information, please contact Wilma Guzmán at 860-519-0702.
Today starts the fourth Ready to Rent© (R2R) session for members of the Hartford Job Corps Academy (HJCA) after a partnership was developed between MHAGH and HJCA in Fall 2017.
Invited guests and residents are welcome to join us as we celebrate the 42 renovated units at our very first property!
Check out MHAGH's 2015 Annual Year in Review, presented at this year's Annual Meeting to Board Members and residents.
Check out the latest Resident Newsletter and find information on upcoming activities, food pantries, and student benefits!